Welcome to my mind. It will be a strange journey. I jump from topic to topic. I have a mind full of useless and not so useless stuff to share with you and I can't promise any sense of order. You'll just have to jump around too.

Saturday 31 December 2011

First adventure in the blogasphere

If you are reading this well done. There is not much on my page at the moment as I'm just trying to get my head round setting my page up. Things were going really well until I pressed the button to confirm my personal profile only to be told the computer had hidden it created a fault and now I am sulking and having a technophobe meltdown. When you get to know me you will find out that I am technologically challenged and generally just mash the buttons until I get some sort of result. If I  never get as far as setting my personal profile this is what it should have told you. My blog name is not my real name it's a mix of two TV personalities I am often compared with so I thought ok I can live with that. I'm flattered to be compared to both of them so with due respect I've borrowed a name from each to create my alter ego. Next thing you need to know, My real name is Maggie and I am a craftaholic. I will not be seeking treatment for this condition as I am hoping it is contagious and I will infect most of the people I meet.
That's all for now I've just lost the will to press buttons in the correct pattern to make words. You would not believe how many times I have backspaced to correct my disfunctional spelling. Happy new Year everyone in blog land, x