Tuesday. My only day off. Went downstairs to be faced with 4 loads of wsashing, the Christmas tree still in the living room even though I had asked both of the male of the species in the house to take it out to the garden and another mega mine in the litter tray from the smallest cat in the house. So I ranted at the kids, then I phoned my mother and ranted at her. Then instead of doing all the things I was going to do I hacked the Christmas tree to bits, changed the litter tray so I could eat lunch without my eyes watering then went in to the giant cupboard of doom in the kitchen. The big cupboard of doom houses everything that doesn't have a home anywhere else in the house. Everyone has one of those right, it's not just me? So I started to empty the cupboard, which is very large and slopey as it goes under the stairs. I did this by wading in and throwing everything behind me. By the time I was bent double at the back thinking I ought to get out and be sensible because my back is not up to doing stuff like this I couldn't get out because me way was blocked by all the crap I had thrown behind me. So I had to tidy my way out. 2 hours, 1 binbag of rubbish, 2 bags of recycling and loads of assorted goodies for the charity shop later I was done. Lovely Charley hoovered through for me as my body was starting to shut down. And after we had taken Ginger to the vet for her all clear Charley cooked and Matt washed up only for the man of the house to come home and ask why the kitchen side was wet and the house is always a mess............................................................................................
Deep breath, count to ten. put the kitchen knife down, theparutically refill your pincushion with a degree of ferousity that wasn't strictly neccessary and have a little blog.
Lianne if you are reading this yes all the urgent orders have been done. That was the best part of my day apart from watching Sammi fall in love with my hairdressers work bag anf trying to go home with her. Charley also nearly came home with another cat as the yard cat had climbed in her car without her knowing. She only found out when she got as far as the gate and heard the meeow. So that is what my deranged brain makes me do when I'm having meltdown. I wish it wouldn't. I hate housework it is the work of the devil.
Anyway, did find treasure. A dead stag beetle in a box. Obviously a present from grandma. I'm going to set it in resin, I've been waiting to find something interesting to start using my new stash of resin on. Anyhoo Sammi is sat at my feet reminding me that I need sleep. This is always fairly difficult as as soon as I get into bed she jumps on my chest and sits nose to nose with me until I point out the this is an invasion of my space
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